"To ask why El Niño occurs is like asking why a bell rings or a pendulum swings," atmospheric scientist George Philander wrote in a 1999 paper. "It is a natural mode of oscillation. A bell, of course, needs to be struck in order to ring." After nearly 100 years of investigation, scientists are still not sure what rings the bell; they just know that it rings.
Watch What A Result A Non Fridged 14 Year Old Video Hit
"My hope is that this is not the new normal," Madhavan said on Friday. "But for this year, it is concerning because it's still only late October and we don't know what we're going to see as we head deeper into fall and especially this winter."
"The large amounts of flaring are a microcosm of what can result from self regulation," Leyden said. "The investment community is lining up around 2025. It has to happen rapidly. 2030, that's a decade out and this is one of the easier things they can do from a policy standpoint."
DULUTH, Minn. -- A kayaker found a 6-year-old boy swimming alone in the St. Louis River and helped him back to safety after he was separated from his parent's sailboat, and a video the kayaker posted on his Instagram depicting the rescue has gone viral.
For a business, this is a super cool trend to make a TikTok video on. For example, get your team to do the trend and form a superhero team like the Avengers or Justice League that best describes what they do for the business.
The Soviet Union was also, it should be noted, in a somewhat precarious strategic position. The Red Army was huge and vast, and its nuclear arsenal was rapidly growing, but its delivery vehicles did not allow it to threaten the United States homeland directly and credibly. The Soviets could threaten by proxy, to be sure. But the United States had a many-fold advantage in nuclear weapons, many of them ringed around the Soviet borders. The Soviet Union had tested its first ICBMs, but there were scarcely any deployed. These same tensions would, in a few years, lead Khrushchev to base missiles in Cuba, but prior to that they made Khrushchev desperate to appear tough. 2ff7e9595c